After reading the article, Voices of Our Foremothers: Celebrating the Legacy of African-American Women Educators, I began to reflect on my years in grade school. Similar to Birney, I too have had many influential black educators within my educational career. These black teachers cared about my success both in school and through out life. Black teachers serve as extended family that watch over you in school while your parents are at work. Birney states in her article, “Black teachers view ‘mothering as a communal responsibility’ and an act of service. Thus, the student -teacher relationship became imperative to the growth of a black student.
Through out grade school, I can recall three teachers that had a total impact on my life. My fifth grade math teacher, Mrs. Joyner, seventh grade, science teacher, Ms Maddrey, and high school counselor, Dr. Howard, all contributed to my growth as a student and overall woman. In the classroom they challenged my to do my best. They saw potential inside of me that I was unaware of. Mrs. Joyner helped me to develop my love for math and problem solving. Both Ms Maddrey and Dr. Howard served as mentors that I could go to for help. Their door was always open and I knew they had my best interest at heart.
As I look back on my childhood, I am truly grateful that I have these influential people in my life. Academically, they shaped me and prepared me for college. It’s because of Dr. Howard’s recommendation that I even chose to attend Spelman College. Though my community service and mentorship with young boys and girls, I hope to touch some child’s life in the same way my mentors did for me. By tutoring with Cool Girls, Inc and at B.E.S.T Academy, I am able to help meet student’s need in the classroom. When Birney mentions, “pass this torch of community service”, I feel that it is now my responsibility to be a blessing in some else’s life. My mentors have passed the torch on to me. Now through tutoring it is my turn to help children achieve academic excellence.
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