Friday, April 30, 2010

To Protect and Serve

While reading Richardson's work, she speaks about the value of the african american mother and how she influences the younger generations. She should encourage the younger generations and tell them that they should be proud about their history and heritage. Instead, Richardson talks about the many names and the countless searches she has conducted internet-wide and the search matches that include pornography sites and names that are synonymous with Black Woman such as Mammies and Jezebels.
After reading it, I wished I had read this article earlier and use it in my argumentative paper for this English class. My paper was about the values of elders concerning african american teen pregnancy in this current generation.
I feel as though this problem needs to be solved, There are plenty of accomplished beautiful black women in the world that can advocate against the stereotype of the Black Woman. There is no reason at all as to why pornography sites and lude things pop up when searching "Black Women". When searching this topic pictures of doctors lawyers and CEO's should pop up just as to what would happen if white woman was searched.
This double standard is definitely playing with this generations mind and teaching them the wrong thing.


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